If you were at the Egyptian last Sunday to hear the KPCC
FilmWeek Film Critics discuss their Oscar picks, predictions and omissions live onstage, you'll want

to tune in to see if your chuckle or cough made it on-air for the broadcast. And if you missed the taping all together, then you will definitely want to tune in to hear why Andy Klein feels IN BRUGES has everything going for it and why Henry Sheehan feels its nothing more than derivative of countless other films!
One thing you want get to experience via the radio broadcast, if you weren't ther

e in person, is the groovy set for the show, complete with white furry couches. Well, there is always next year. You also get to interact with the critics and give your Oscar opinions. Tune in Friday, February 20 at 11 AM and then let us know what you think!
Photos: (top left) Jean Oppenheimer. (top right) FilmWeek & AirTalk host Larry Mantle. (L-R) Critics Claudia Puig, Wade Major and Lael Lowenstein